Die ganze Welt unter dem Christbaum 


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Eindrucksvolle und informative physische Weltkarte

Craenen World physical map 1 : 30 Mio. Pinnwand.

Impressive and informative physical map of the world which very successfully combines physical relief with the rivers and well displayed names of countries and their boundaries.

Excellent relief coloring and shading present the mountainous areas in almost 3-D effect.

Peak symbols help to identify the highest mountain on each continent or in various countries. Country names and their boundaries are clearly displayed, with town symbols indicating national and, where possible, state or provincial capitals.

Within USA, Canada, Brazil and Australia state or provincial boundaries are also shown. On oceans, in addition to different shades of coloring, numerous depth figures are provided.

Central Pacific, from Siberia/Alaska to New Zealand, is repeated on both sides of the maps for better presentation of that region.

Clocks indicate time difference from GMT (but without the maps showing the exact geographical area covered by each time zone).

Projection is Van der Grinten.

Craenen World physical map 1 : 30 Mio. Pinnwand.

Verlag: Craenen
Artikelnummer: 9910000002700
Ausführung: aufgezogen auf 10mm Schaumplatte mit Distanzleiste zum Aufhängen

Sprache: Englisch

CHF 260.00

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